Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Strength Grows

I have begun to get out every morning at 5:30am to workout at the Tumbleweed Rec Center, and have been working out each morning for close to an hour. The best part is I sometimes get some rigorous racquetball games with friends but my workouts seem to be stronger and my body seems to be hardening.

That being said, my weight hovers at 221 lbs and yet my attitude has changed, because I know and recognize the signs that my body is in fact getting stronger, and it means that in fairly short order, the fat ought to start burning better, as my body gains muscle and muscle is where fat burns best.

So that in itself gives me the impetus I have needed to strngthen my morning workout habit and make it a yardstick for all progress I seek.

I will keep the posts coming, and I suspect with greater frequency.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Not wanting to waste baby broccoli stems

So I pour sea salt on lime half and then dig in with a stem to give it
a coating. Nice afternoon snack.

Better Each Day, Raw Progress

This one has baby broccoli, mâché, Mediterranean nut fruit mix,
sunflower sprouts, and a sprout mix of some real exotics, again with
lime juice as dressing, and some crushed chili pequins for spice.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting Accustomed to No Salad Dressing

Here is a good blend though not totally raw, the tuna and the jalapenos are a misfit but I am getting better. Blueberries, walnuts, almonds, romaine, tomatoes, cucumbers, hazelnuts, and raisins, with lime juice as my dressing squeezed from a fresh lime, not the bottled kind.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eating Better Each Day

Living lettuce, bee pollen, mung bean sprouts, lime juice, mâché and some red pepper to jazz it up. Oh yeah, that's Bumblebee Spicy Thai Chili tuna. Could not find anywhere if it was raw or cooked. I'm learning a bit more each day, lots of experimenting.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?

Since childhood, that has been the choice, but now, it's no game. I have been overweight for most of my advanced adult life, from about 30 on. I have been pruning and changing my eating habits, and have gotten rid of so many habits that got me where I currently am.

The thing is, I am patient, and I have dealt with little or no movement for long enough. Today I weigh 222.

There is a way, and it will require a serious move to the next level. I am going to go back to something that worked briefly at an earlier part of my life, but I let it go, because I thought I had fixed things. Duh!

I will choose vegetable, and it will take some real discipline, but no more animal.

Now I will have to qualify that by saying that I will continue until I am aware of a better alternative, to take a Whey Protein shake in the morning and at night, from Isagenix, and will look into the vegetarian alternatives, obviously soy is the main one. I really have to believe that the reasons they went with Whey over Soy were well thought out, and so I will be looking into that.

I am not making a religious vegan shift yet, but my reasons for forsaking animal are plenty.

1. I am blood type A and according to some very good information out there, that alone nixes meat from my diet, (according to D'Adamo).

2. Most of us know that most meats in the market are shot up, polluted and slaughtered under horrible of conditions.

So I won't keep going. Suffice to say, that this may become more intense, but for now, I will be looking to for some moral support from Dhrumil, who has already become somewhat of a mentor to me, unbeknownst to him, as I follow his videos and twitter posts.

We should start seeing some changes, and so I will repost my stats later today.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Body Will Not Change Until I Do

We hear it from so many different angles, and places, and yet many of us never get it.  You are the sum of all your previous thoughts.  As a man thinketh, so is he.
Maybe the reason so many never catch on, is because our physical reality is so much more present, that we reverse the truth with the altogether misunderstood maxim, "You are what you eat".  We begin to think that what we do in the physical world, makes us who we are, and that we are what others see, and tell us we are.
Nothing could be less true.  I want to change my body, to become more healthy, and yet, all I have been doing, has been changing my eating habits.  That may accidentally work for people, and so they let that reinforce their misconception.  I have had no visible changes; I hover at my very overweight 220 lbs.
But I feel better, since I stopped drinking soda pop, and eating snack foods and fast foods, and so many similar things. So I have had an impact, but for me, there will have to be a change of mind, and heart, and not just of habits.
Through a series of fortunate events, I have discovered and so much comes into focus that was once blurry. How many fat vegetarians do you know?
The body has needs, and they are not processed, fatty, greasy nutritionally-depleted foods.  The body was designed to process what the earth produces.  Many of us have damaged, some beyond repair, the systems in our body that must process foods and protect us.  For those who have not destroyed those systems, the damage can be reversed, and there are stories all around us of people who have done just that.
So, the next leg of my journey begins. This part will feature much more reading, and interacting with others who are where I want to be.
I believe the change is just a matter of time, for the body, but the mind must lead.