Sunday, April 13, 2008

On my way to better health

This is another new beginning for me. After having started a couple of blogs, an idea came to me from several different places, Isagenix, being the primary source. As an associate of Isagenix, I have become highly familiar with the Nutritional Cleansing system, as well as their Wealth Building system.

I have seen many "before/after" photo shots of people who have lost amazing amounts of weight, simply by using the Nutritional Cleanse and changing their lifestyles, and their eating habits. I have not had the same results from casual use, but then again, I am not average, and while my situation is not as grave as some, 60 pounds overweight, 35% body fat, I am very far from optimal health. (I was recently, June 2007 diagnosed with non-insulin dependent diabetes.) I found that out when I was hospitalized with a ruptured appendix.

That was a wakeup call, and from that time forward, I have informally cleaned up my diet, my habits and my attitude about a lot of things. Still, my weight hovers at 225, which is technically 50-60 pounds over where I should be. So while I am 46 years old, and feel like I should have a lot of life ahead of me, there has been a lot of abuse to undo, and a lot of my peers are dropping off early of totally lifestyle related maladies.

So in my next post will be the Before pictures. I have seen lots of Before/After pictures from people after they were done achieving the results they wanted, but I have not as often seen someone lay the before picture out there, with no idea how long it will take to get the after picture, except a goal. That is my purpose in starting this blog. I will be seeking the support of those I know, and those I meet along the way, to regain the wellness that God intended for me.

Our bodies are miracles of complex systems requiring proper maintenance, and I will make no claim now or in the future that Isagenix has cured any disease.

The Isagenix Nutritional Cleanse system is packed with amino acids, enzymes and minerals essential to the proper function of the body and is the best system I currently have seen for getting the body systems, all 7 of them back into proper function, thereby allowing the body to be the miracle it was created to be.

So without further ado, I begin. Check for updates every few days.

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