Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Results Are Slow on This

While countless others are achieving notable results using the Isagenix system, I have found that my body is still unresponsive to my efforts though I must add a caveat. I have not yet used the cleanse without being hungry enough that I may be wrecking the cleanse effects with my snacking, because I can never seem to limit my snacking to the prescribed amounts. I have a couple of coaches but have been out of touch for a couple of weeks because of a new job that has me driving across town now.

So I need to pick up the pace in certain areas, because I am committed to see this system work for me. I am non-insulin dependent Diabetic, which means I am taking Metformin and Glyburide every morning and Metformin again in the afternoon, but I have not stuck to the afternoon dosage in quite a while, mostly because I have not taken the bottle with me and forget by the time I get home. I suppose if I felt bad I would remember, but I need a better system.

I also heard from someone that he has known several people who seriously did about 6 or seven 9-day cleanses in a row before their body started to respond to it, but that the weight started to drop. One person was reportedly low on Magnesium when they had their tests done and that Magnesium is a very important element needed for proper function of a lot of the systems that Isagenix Cleanse works with. So I have also increased my daily Magnesium intake via Magnesium Oxide in the form of IsaFlush, another product of Isagenix.

My weight hovers at 225 which is where I started this whole thing, but I have already seen my fat % drop over a few months, so it may be that I am to some extent trading muscle for fat. I ought to be doing better than I have before. I have completely cut soda pop out of my diet, I no longer eat fast food hamburgers, I mostly eat salads for lunch with less than I usually put Organic dressings, I drink between 2 and 3 liters of water a day. I am patient and will continue to change my habits. This will work.

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