Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fresh and Raw, feeling better every day

The degree to which I have bought into the raw lifestyle increases
each day and I continue to discover new exotic foods and new ways to
combine them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Of Course It's Never As Easy As It Seems

Most others, when they change their eating habits, especially in drastic form, see dramatic wieght loss, and improvement.  I will not lament the lack of dramatic weight loss, because I continue to feel improvement, but I am getting older, so I am trying to pay attention to creaks and pains, that indicate upcoming debilitating problems in joints or muscles.
For the most part, my weight remains at 222 - 224, and my exercise remains level at about 4 days a week, I know I need to pick that up, I have started using my minitrampoline when I cannot drag myself out of bed early enough to go to the gym by 5:30 or 6:00am. I have been told by several that the minitrampoline is every bit as good an aerobic and/or fat-burning exercise as a tereadmill or cross-trainer.
I am inclined to agree after how sore I am, especially my feet, which have never used so many muscles in any other exercise before.
So I am now eating mostly fruit each day and reading Dr. Graham's book, The 80/10/10 Diet to find more about how I can avoid the tempting smells of high fat foods cooking around me.
I am about halfway through the book and have learned a lot about my body and how it works.  More later.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I started on the 80/10/10 diet

Though, in reality it is no diet in the sense most of us use the word.
It is the way we should be eating according to Dr. Douglas Graham,
author and nutritionist. He makes an excellent case for why we should
eat raw fruits for the bulk of our carb calories.

I am still at 220 lbs. but feel more fit than several years past.
More as I progress.