Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today I am joined to others of like mind on the same journey

So, today starts pretty much like most recent Tuesdays, I weighed myself and am at 203, which is 7 pounds below my usual starting point for the last year of cleansing and shakes regimen.  Last night I joined up with a small group of people working to build Isagenix and gain their health back, and we are going to be accountable to each other for a lot of the effort that normally I have to motivate myself to do.

So this morning, I am starting my recently arranged weekly two day cleanse, but I feel a whole lot better about where I am starting today because I am joined by several others who are also desirous and committed to change their lives, and we have the most awesome blend of minerals, enzymes, proteins and vitamins to do it.

The best part is that the effects most people notice using Isagenix are so real and lasting that this business has built a strong foundation of people who started for the weightloss and have gone on to be millionaires or at least financially free by showing others what they did. Hundreds of people have become free financially by freeing themselves of health burdens, how many businesses can claim such a wonderful vision and pattern?

So today I embark on a new leg of my journey, but with a new determination to make the most of this not only for myself, but for as many others as I can bring along with me. 

My primary goal is in about two months, by mid October 13, to be at my goal weight of 185. 

The benefits I see just of accomplishing that will potentially be to improve my diabetic condition or even be rid of it, to become more fit as my body becomes better at burning fat, and more energetic to increase my exercise regimen, and to look and feel better for my forever partner, Holly, who has for years worried that my health might take me away from her before we could enjoy the life we have imagined together.

I'll keep you posted.

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